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Video releases of GOLD recycle system by using 【 Fortune One 】, 【 Iron One 】and 【 Rolling One 】




【 Fortune One 】 together with “UW-860 Chemical Gold Stripper (non aqua regia and cyanide free)” not only recycle GOLD from PCB in a safer and faster way, it also leave the Cu on the substrate; improving the PCB recycling to a total systematic process. Video link as below: 



Taiwan and all regions (except for China) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OQ40TNovRY


China:  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjM0ODc2NjA0.html




【 Iron One 】 together with “UW-700 Electrolyte Gold Stripper (non aqua regia and cyanide free)” is the best way to recycle GOLD form connector or any metal pieces. The solution doesn't damage the metal pieces , making it easier to get high purity of gold. Video link as below:



Taiwan and all regions (except for China) http://youtu.be/nRYb2emNP_o


China:  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg0NzAzODcy.html




【 Rolling One 】 together with UW-860 Chemical Gold Stripper" andUW-700 Electrolyte Gold Stripper" is the best way to recycle GOLD from any small gold-plated piece. By using rolling force, it cuts the gold stripping time and ensure high gold yield. Video link as below:



Taiwan and all regions (except for China) http://youtu.be/9I-Iz-oW_1Q